Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Google Blog


My goals for this class are to be an interactive as possible. I find communication to be very important in any field, especially media, because it is nice to hear the ideas and opinions of others about varies topics. I hope that this is a class with a lot of talking instead of lecture because I feel I have so much to say about so much. My goal is also to form strong bonds with my classmates. My goals for this blog is to make it creative and meaningful. I want it to be insightful but also fun and a reflection of myself. I want my blog to be educational, entertaining, and provide insights for those who read it. Blogs are a great way to network too. you never know how many or who will be reading what you say.

Google can be so fun to play with especially with all of the gadgets it has to offer. One gadget I like the most is the "Share It" gadget which I added to the top of my blog. This allows visitors to my blog posts on their social networks like Facebook or Twitter. This affects the design of my blog because it is the first thing people will see. I like that because they know right away that if they like my post they can easily share it with others. The second gadget I chose was "Cheeky Quotes" and placed it on the right hand side of the page. I did this because it represents my personality which is funny and light hearted just like my posts are. By putting it to the right side it is more out of the way though and not in reader's face which I like.

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